All Sightings

…and Thence We Came Forth To See Again The Stars (2020)

Floodlines Part VI: ‘Reckoning’

Dante’s Peek

Gayle Fraas and Duncan Slade, “Circle of Hell, Why Not?” (2020)

Simone Marchesi e Roberto Abbiati, A proposito di Dante (2020)

Barrie Tullett, The Typographic Dante (2020)

“What Would Hell Be Like for Donald Trump?”
![“A Special Circle of Hell Awaits [Donald Trump]”](
“A Special Circle of Hell Awaits [Donald Trump]”

“Italy: Bel Paese,” Hiking & Trekking Club

Dante Caught Without a Mask: Street Art in Florence

“Mommy’s Inferno,” from Scary Mommy

Christine and the Queens, La vita nuova EP (2020)

Paolo & Francesca Paintings by Derek Overfield (2020)

Jewelry Inspired by the Opening Lines of the Divine Comedy Contest Results