All Sightings

“The love that moves the sun and the other stars,” Ojai Blogpost

Aurora, “Dante Paradiso” Pen (2021)

The Divine Comedy, Illustrated by Mimmo Paladino (2021)

“‘Love that Moves the Sun’: Catholicism’s Deeper Ecology – A Response to Clive Hamilton”

“Avati starts shooting Dante after 18 years”

“Shopping for Bathing Suits Online Is Its Own Circle of Hell”

Scott F. Crider, “Saving Pedagogy: Dante as the Poet of Education”

Danielius Sodeika, Midway Upon the Journey of Our Life (2021)

“Dante Is the Elephant in the Room”

Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Lost Daughter (2021)

CamerAnebbia’s 3-D Commedia (2021)

“Radiating The Love That Moves The Sun And Stars” (2021 Blogpost)

“Beauty awakens the soul to act,” a letter to an editor (Chico, CA)

Sofia E. Rovati, Finding Thule (2021)