All Sightings

Amos Nattini, Illustrations of The Divine Comedy (1939)

“How Dante Can Save Your Life: The Life-Changing Wisdom of History’s Greatest Poem,” First Things Blogpost

“More Than Midway Through,” People of Praise Blogpost

Russian Arts Theater and Studio, Inferno (2023 Performance)

Schiaparelli’s Dante-Inspired Couture Show (Spring/Summer 2023)

CamerAnebbia’s 3-D Commedia (2021)

Un Dante di destra? Vignetta di Giannelli, Corriere della Sera (gennaio 2023)

Edward Hirsch, Big Think Interview (2010)

“Steps to a Mid-Life Course Correction”

Ndary Lo, The Day After (2012)

Romeo Castellucci, Inferno (2008)

Marco Martinelli, The Sky Over Kibera (2019 film)

Marco Somà, Illustrations Featured in Daniele Aristarco’s Divina Commedia Children’s Retelling (2021)

Kevin Young and Robin Coste Lewis, Poems After Rauschenberg’s Inferno (2017)