All Sightings

Vincas Kisarauskas, Dante Prints (1960)

Solomon Teitelbaum, The Wandering Soul of Dante (2024)

Rebecca Sonnenshine, Archive 81 (2022)

Katy Irizarry, “11 Metal Songs Inspired by Dante’s Inferno” (2018)

Amos Nattini, Illustrations of The Divine Comedy (1939)

Smithsonian Blog, “Models and the Making of Violet Oakley’s Dante Window” (2014)

Elizabeth Stice, “Dante’s Virgil as a Guide for College Professors: Insights from Inferno” (2024)

Patrick McHale, Over the Garden Wall (2014)

Olivia Holmes, “When was an embryo considered a person in the Middle Ages?” (2023)

“The Tour de France Exits Purgatory”

Hamlet, The Divine Comedy, and 3 other pieces of classic literature that are also fan fiction

Scott F. Crider, “Saving Pedagogy: Dante as the Poet of Education”

“Meeting the Shadow: From Dante’s Inferno to a World of Compassion” (2011)

Edward Hirsch, Big Think Interview (2010)