All Sightings

The Divine Comedy, Illustrated by Mimmo Paladino (2021)

Exhibit “Ridon le carte. Edizioni illustrate della Commedia in Francia… e altrove” (March 1-22, 2024)

The Straight Way Lost

Magdalen Nabb, Vita Nuova (A Florentine Mystery)

The Divine Comedy as Political Statement

Jane Langton, The Dante Game (2012)

Dante Caught Without a Mask: Street Art in Florence

Maggie Rose, Dark Dante (2021)

Sarah Odishoo, “Revisiting Dante’s Florence: Experiencing Dante’s ‘circles of hell’” (2021)

“Dante in the British Library: Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven”

Temple St. Clair, “Astrid” Bracelet and Ring

Melissa Butz Corsi, My Dante GoFundMe Campaign (2021)

Florence hosts ‘re-trial’ of Dante (2021)

Italy to Launch Dante Train (2021)