All Sightings

Ghoul-Cult, Ghoul-Cult (2004)

Ghoul-Cult, Night of a Thousand Ghouls (2003)

Deteriorot, Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits (1993)

Crawlspace, Ignite the Sky (1999)

Ancestørtøøth, Elephant Boneyard (2008)

End of Days demo (2000)

Thyrane, Symphonies of Infernality (1999)

In Soulitary, Demo 1 (2004)

Helvette and Ghast, Helvette / Ghast (2007)

Ghoul-Cult, Initiation to the Cult (2002)

Tremendum, Trinity of Night, Day and Demise (2005)

Odium, Shadows Failing (2008)

Ghoul, Subterranean Forgotten Caverns (2004)

Delusive Grace, Demo 2002 (2002)