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“Maybe Hell on Earth Looks Like the Australian Wildfires” (2020)

“Maybe Hell on Earth Looks Like the Australian Wildfires” (2020)

“LET’S TALK ABOUT HELL. In David Bentley Hart’s remarkably important book That All Shall Be Saved, he outlines the reasons that we should not fear an afterlife of unending torment in a Dantesque lake of flame. ‘It makes no more sense, then, to say that God allows creatures to damn themselves out of his love for them or out of his respect for their freedom than to say a father might reasonably allow his deranged child to thrust her face into a fire out of a tender regard for her moral autonomy.’ Read the book—really, read it. It will inoculate you against some of the ideas about God that can’t help but edge their way into your psyche.”   –Bill McKibben, Sojourners, 2020

View the full article here.

Sighting Citation:

““Maybe Hell on Earth Looks Like the Australian Wildfires” (2020).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. March 1, 2021.