“Our Desire is a Gift From the Stars,” A Unitarian Universalist Blogpost
“The word desire comes from the Latin desiderare: ‘to long for,’ but the Latin desiderare comes from de sidere: ‘from the stars.’ From the stars.
“I find this extraordinary: to think that somehow our desire, our longing, is connected to the very stars in the sky. The stars, which share their light with us across such impossible distances of time and space. The poets might say our desire is a gift from the stars and is ultimately for them and the beauty and mystery and the creative fire and energy of which they are for us a sign.
“I’m reminded of the very last line of Dante’s Divine Comedy — Dante, the great medieval poet guided by his love for a human woman, Beatrice. In his imagination, his love and his longing for her lead him on a great journey all the way to Paradise and to a final vision of the love which moves and connects all things: l’amor che move il sole e le altre stelle… ‘the love that moves the sun and the other stars.’
“This love that moves the sun and the stars is with you too, body and spirit, and with everything and everyone. If we can live out of that, the rest will take care of itself.” –Laura Horton-Ludwig, “Our Desire is a Gift From the Stars,” Unitarian Universalist Association
Sighting Citation:
““Our Desire is a Gift From the Stars,” A Unitarian Universalist Blogpost.” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. January 23, 2023. https://www.dantetoday.org/sightings/our-desire-is-a-gift-from-the-stars-a-unitarian-universalist-blogpost/.