Catherine Ann Lombard and Kees den Biesen, “Reconnecting the Personal Self with the Higher Self: Journey with Dante” (2015)
“Our life’s journey is to seek, reconnect, and synthesize the consciousness and will of the Self with the consciousness and will of the ‘I’—in other words, to synthesize the transpersonal and the personal. In the Divine Comedy, the aim of Dante’s long journey is precisely this reconnection. . . . . Reflection upon the rich symbolic images in every line of the poem can become a beautiful exercise of spiritual psychosynthesis. Along the way, you can deepen and expand your own consciousness and will by viewing Dante as an ideal model and calling upon him as an external unifying center to help you rebuild a new personality.” [. . .] –“Reconnecting the Personal Self with the Higher Self: Journey with Dante,” Catherine Ann Lombard and Kees den Biesen, 2015
Sighting Citation:
“Catherine Ann Lombard and Kees den Biesen, “Reconnecting the Personal Self with the Higher Self: Journey with Dante” (2015).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. February 13, 2023.