“Radiating The Love That Moves The Sun And Stars” (2021 Blogpost)
“Arguably the most important official document to proceed from the Second Vatican Council was the ‘Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,’ written ‘to unfold more fully’ the ‘inner nature and universal mission’ of the Church. (LG 1.) The document is better known by its Latin title, ‘Lumen Gentium,’ taken from its first sentence: ‘Christ is the light of nations.’ By proclaiming the Gospel, explains Lumen Gentium, the Church ‘brings the light of Christ to all people.’ It is fitting, therefore, that the theme of the bicentennial year of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is ‘Radiate Christ.’
“And the light of Christ, a light greater than any other, is love. Indeed, in the final words of Dante’s Paradiso, it is the radiating ‘love that moves the sun and other stars.’” –Dr. Kenneth Craycraft, “Radiating The Love That Moves The Sun and Stars,” The Catholic Telegraph, September 2, 2021
Sighting Citation:
““Radiating The Love That Moves The Sun And Stars” (2021 Blogpost).” Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante’s Works in Contemporary Culture. Elizabeth Coggeshall and Arielle Saiber, eds. January 16, 2023. https://www.dantetoday.org/sightings/radiating-the-love-that-moves-the-sun-and-stars-2021-blogpost/.